Tour EAfrica   678-939-6221 or 702-689-3082
Nairobi Serena - Elephant Water Hole

Nairobi Serena – Elephant Water Hole

Kenya and Tanzania offer the perfect destination for tourists seeking an authentic safari adventure. Additionally, when the term East African safari is mentioned – it is usually a Kenyan and/or Tanzanian safari that the speaker has in mind. This despite the fact that Uganda also has a safari tourism industry of its own. This alone says a lot about the significance of Kenya and Tanzania’s respective footholds on the East African tourism and safari industry.

Yet as much as these two countries share in common, when it comes to tours and safaris, there are some distinct differences. Some of the things that make each country’s tourism sector unique are big and some are minor. Here are a few examples:

Tanzania OffersKenya Offers
Mt. Kilimanjaro Mt. Kenya, along with a better view of Mt. Kilimanjaro
Chimpanzees A lot more flamingos
Only one species of giraffe Three different species of giraffe
Wildebeest babies beginning the migration Wildebeest on the tail end of the migration

In essence, the Kenyan and Tanzanian safaris are but two sides of the same coin. While each side of the coin offers immense beauty, to behold both sides is to experience a masterpiece that is the full picture.

This is why Tour EAfrica offers:

And while it is ultimately up to you to decide which East African safari package you want to take, we can tell you that either one will be unforgettable.




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